We have learned that there are plenty of students that are looking for opportunities to expand their anesthesia education with Maverick Medical Education. In response, we are excited to announce the first ever SRNA/RRNA Essentials Nerve Block Event. Learn like the professionals and network with your future CRNA peers.
This event is exclusive to current SRNA/RRNA's!
Course Price:
Cancellation/Refund Policy
We understand that plans can change last minute and you may not be able to attend the SRNA/RRNA Essentials Nerve Block Event after signing up. However, due the cost of putting on this event and the significant discount that we are offering for students to attend, we can not afford to offer refunds for last minute cancelations. Therefore, refunds will only be given if we are able to fill your seat with another student.
We recognize this is a strict refund policy. As such, we recommend improving your odds of getting a refund in case of a cancelation by preemptively finding another student who would be willing to fill your seat and having them send us their information in order to get them registered ASAP. Additionally, should the event sell out, Maverick will start a waitlist of interested students. If a seat opens up due to a cancelation, we will contact students on the waitlist to see if they are able to fill the open seat.
Course Content:
Online Didactic Module Topics:
(Online didactic modules will open at least 6 weeks prior to lab)
- Adductor Canal
- Axillary
- Femoral
- Genicular
- Interscalene/Supraclavicular
- Popliteal Plexus
- Popliteal Sciatic
- It also includes modules on the physics of ultrasound and implementation of a Postoperative Pain service
Cadaver Lab Stations:
- Adductor Canal
- Axillary
- Femoral
- Genicular
- Interscalene/Supraclavicular
- Popliteal Plexus
- Popliteal Sciatic
Event Schedule:
The SRNA/RRNA Essentials Nerve Block Event will take place Saturday September 7th and Sunday September 8th. This is a one-day lab event with students choosing to attend Saturday or Sunday. Both hands-on labs will be identical, covering the exact same content with the same instructors and cadavers.
Saturday evening Maverick Medical Education and the event sponsor will host a social mixer for all students, regardless of lab date, to attend. The event’s location is TBD but it will be nearby the lab and Crescent Hotel.
Saturday/Sunday Lab Schedule
8:00am-9:00am: Orientation & Breakfast (Provided by Maverick)
9:00am-12:00pm: Hands-on Cadaver Lab & Physical Exam Stations
12:00pm-1:00pm: Lunch (Provided by Maverick)
1:00pm-5:00pm: Hands-on Cadaver Lab & Physical Exam Stations
Saturday Only 6:00pm-8:00pm: Networking Event (Location TBD)
Travel & FAQ:
Please Visit Our Site To See Travel Information For Your In-Person Course
FAQ & Technical Requirements